Thursday, September 5, 2013

Rainbow Warrior Bombing

In the 1980 France was carrying out nuclear weapons tests on  small islands in the South Pacific. Greenpeace was preparing to visit Mururoa in French Polynesia to protest about France’s nuclear testing.   

It was a cold night in Auckland, not long before the Rainbow Warrior was due to set off. People from Greenpeace were moored on their ship, the Rainbow Warrior at Marsden Wharf, having a party. Little did they know that two French spies in scuba gear had planted two bomb on the hull of the Rainbow Warrior. One bomb was put on the engine room and the other one was in the propellor.

Suddenly they heard a sound from the water, it  was the bomb that exploded, Then Peter lo,km /.Willcox said ( Abandon ship, Abandon ship,  Abandon ship). After a while police tracked down the two spies and arrested them.       

1 comment:

  1. Wow Lorenzo when I was reading your post it felt I was right in the middle of the bombing of the rainbow warrior. I think it could use a little more writing but otherwise its ok Good job


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